ADDRESS 1007 E. Main St Dillon, SC 29536
CONTACT email: director@slains.org phone: 0843-18-0815


RESTORATION OF STABILITY PTSD sufferers live for extended periods with the constant emotional pain, confusion, and fear. Traditional “talk-it-through therapy” is often ineffective for this type of dynamic trauma. In PTSD, physical, chemical, and psychological responses prevent sufferers from moving forward to emotional and mental health. Our PTSD clinicians operate from a biblical Christian worldview. These believing traumatologists have the training, skillset, and discernment to address the spiritual nuances of Pastoral PTSD. Only this type of therapy is effective for restoration of stability and healing of wounded clergy. Slain’s RESET Care is clergy-specific in design, application, and assessment.


THE TRAUMA When traumatic dismissal occurs, clergy lose their flock, their finances, and their future. Their faith is challenged and may be overshadowed by extended periods of emotional upheaval and anxiety. These battle-beaten ministers are casualties of Pastoral PTSD. Post-traumatic stress is the mind’s response to an extraordinarily stressful event, resulting in irrational fear, hypervigilance, depression, and an array of mental health issues. Pastors who experience PTSD may continue to manifest symptoms, even when they no longer serve in ministry positions. PTSD can disrupt lives for years, if not professionally treated. Furthermore, Pastoral PTSD attacks the mind and soul, AND the heart of a pastor.


A CAREER OF JOY AND SACRIFICE Of the three traditional professions (medicine, law, and divinity), the most volatile and unstable is the clergy. While encouraging people toward godly lives, ministers suffer the angst of those who resist spiritual growth and moral guidance. Pastors become the subjects of caustic criticism from the members and leaders they serve. Sometimes they are discharged for any inability to increase church finances, boost membership, or please every church subgroup and demographic. Clergy offer their services, accepting its inherent dangers, abuses, and instabilities. Some serve entire careers under the looming specter of discharge for any cause. Still, they serve. If they are dismissed, there is little follow-on care or concern. Slain’s RESET Care fills that support void and draws wounded clergy back from hurt toward healing and wholesome ministry.
RESETTING Slain’s ministry exists to connect wounded clergy to personal, professional healing; a place of RESET for those with Pastoral PTSD. Slain’s offers an opportunity for ministers from every Christian faith group to regain purpose, power and wholesome ministry again. A three-day retreat-style setting is the centerpiece of Slain’s RESET care. In an atmosphere of love, challenge, and spiritual reflection, wounded clergy connect with their Creator in fresh and restorative ways. Sequestered away from common distractions, they find comfort, targeted teaching, Christian love and counsel from Christian traumatologists. Other staff include, guest lecturers, recovering clergy, environmental specialists, and other RESET care professionals. Room and board, inspirational materials, and even RESET -specific theraputic music are all offered without charge. Attendees need only invest time and transportation to participate. The RESET retreat is an all-expense-paid mini sabbatical to help clergy re-envision themselves and their ministry possibilities. Slain’s care strives to rekindle hope and help wounded clergy dream of the harvest field again. W hen he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Mt 9:36-38 The Lord has compassion on sheep who are without a shepherd. God is willing to send wounded shepherds back into the harvest field once they have been RESET.


for Cancelled Clergy
Because the gifts and the callings of God are irrevocable Romans 11:29
ADDRESS 1007 Main St Dillon, SC 29536
M a d e w i t h X a r a
CONTACT e: director@slains.org f: 843-618-0815


RESTORATION OF STABILITY PTSD sufferers live for extended periods with the constant emotional pain, confusion, and fear. Traditional “talk-it-through therapy” is often ineffective for this type of dynamic trauma. In PTSD, physical, chemical, and psychological responses prevent sufferers from moving forward to emotional and mental health. Our PTSD clinicians operate from a biblical Christian worldview. These believing traumatologists have the training, skillset, and discernment to address the spiritual nuances of Pastoral PTSD. Only this type of therapy is effective for restoration of stability and healing of wounded clergy. Slain’s RESET Care is clergy- specific in design, application, and assessment.


THE TRAUMA When traumatic dismissal occurs, clergy lose their flock, their finances, and their future. Their faith is challenged and may be overshadowed by extended periods of emotional upheaval and anxiety. These battle-beaten ministers are casualties of Pastoral PTSD. Post-traumatic stress is the mind’s response to an extraordinarily stressful event, resulting in irrational fear, hypervigilance, depression, and an array of mental health issues. Pastors who experience PTSD may continue to manifest symptoms, even when they no longer serve in ministry positions. PTSD can disrupt lives for years, if not professionally treated. Furthermore, Pastoral PTSD attacks the mind and soul, AND the heart of a pastor.


A CAREER OF JOY AND SACRIFICE Of the three traditional professions (medicine, law, and divinity), the most volatile and unstable is the clergy. While encouraging people toward godly lives, ministers suffer the angst of those who resist spiritual growth and moral guidance. Pastors become the subjects of caustic criticism from the members and leaders they serve. Sometimes they are discharged for any inability to increase church finances, boost membership, or please every church subgroup and demographic. Clergy offer their services, accepting its inherent dangers, abuses, and instabilities. Some serve entire careers under the looming specter of discharge for any cause. Still, they serve. If they are dismissed, there is little follow-on care or concern. Slain’s RESET Care fills that support void and draws wounded clergy back from hurt toward healing and wholesome ministry.
RESETTING Slain’s ministry exists to connect wounded clergy to personal, professional healing; a place of RESET for those with Pastoral PTSD. Slain’s offers an opportunity for ministers from every Christian faith group to regain purpose, power and wholesome ministry again. A three-day retreat-style setting is the centerpiece of Slain’s RESET care. In an atmosphere of love, challenge, and spiritual reflection, wounded clergy connect with their Creator in fresh and restorative ways. Sequestered away from common distractions, they find comfort, targeted teaching, Christian love and counsel from Christian traumatologists. Other staff include, guest lecturers, recovering clergy, environmental specialists, and other RESET care professionals. Room and board, inspirational materials, and even RESET -specific theraputic music are all offered without charge. Attendees need only invest time and transportation to participate. The RESET retreat is an all-expense-paid mini sabbatical to help clergy re-envision themselves and their ministry possibilities. Slain’s care strives to rekindle hope and help wounded clergy dream of the harvest field again. W hen he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Mt 9:36-38 The Lord has compassion on sheep who are without a shepherd. God is willing to send wounded shepherds back into the harvest field once they have been RESET.



for Cancelled Clergy
Because the gifts and the callings of God are irrevocable Romans 11:29